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English-Spanish false friends
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This False Friends English-Spanish Dictionary is for students and/or professionals
If you are ever uncertain about the meaning of words in English that sound very similar to others in Spanish, this is the dictionary for you.
This dictionary translates only words, not expressions, and does not include all those that can be mistranslated. It translates only what are known as false friends; that is, words that appear to be identical or similar but have different meanings.
The best tool around
You’re here because you are a Spanish speaker, language student, want to improve your knowledge of English-Spanish false friends or because you are a language professional and need help to improve your work and ensure precision and comprehension.
Have you ever had, or do you have, doubts about the meaning of certain words in English that sound very similar to others in Spanish? If the answer is yes, this False Friends English-Spanish Dictionary is for you.
How does the False Friends English-Spanish Dictionary work?
- 972 terms
Our database currently contains 972 words, although it is constantly growing, as we explain later on. In it, you will find clear and concise translations of those terms or expressions found on a daily basis by our team and which create confusion when translated. - 40 videos
Our team has also made available videos, which explain how to correctly translate some of the terms and expressions already listed in the dictionary.
How to use our dictionary
You may have come across one of the many existing false friends in a translation, conversation or e-mail in English, or perhaps when writing an essay, reading an article or watching your favourite TV series.
Perhaps, when you identified the confusion, you were unable to resolve your query.
No problem.
You have 3 options
- Enter your word in our dictionary search field and you will immediately see the meaning in Spanish.
find false friends option 1: by word - Look for the word in the alphabetical list.
find false friends option 2: by alphabetical order - Enter your English text and we will show you the false friends it contains so you can click on the false friend to read the explanation.
find false friends option 3: in a text
How does confusion arise over a false friend?
The short answer is from the apparent similarity between certain English and Spanish words whose actual meaning in both languages is slightly or entirely different.
The FAQs provide a more detailed explanation on this point.
Why do these false friends crop up? Where do they come from? Are all false friends the same?
We provide you with a detailed explanation here.
Click here and use it for free
Will I find every single false friend in the False Friends English-Spanish Dictionary?
Beware! This dictionary is an open-source tool and, as such, has been designed to be as interactive as possible. Nevertheless, you may not find all the terms you are looking for.
If you don’t find the word you are looking for, however, don’t despair. Send us a message and our team will respond as soon as possible.
You may also have more questions after reading our explanation. No problem. Send them to us!
Why use our dictionary?
If you’ve arrived here, perhaps you are asking yourself this question because, if you look up “falsos amigos” or “false friends” on the Internet, the result is a plethora of websites providing various lists and explanations. That may be so, but we are different.
9 reasons to use our False Friends English-Spanish Dictionary
- It’s free.
- It’s not limited to specific lists.
- It’s constantly evolving.
- We explain certain words and their context.
- It’s interactive.
- It gives examples and explanations of specific words.
- If you can’t find what you’re looking for or you’re not convinced by what you find, you can contact us and be sure to get a response.
- Our team is made up exclusively of language professionals.
- We’re perfectionists, but we’re not perfect. 🙂
We would also like you to know that our professional team believes in open knowledge and is passionate about words and their value and meaning.
What does this mean for you?
You can always rely on quality content; in other words, clear and professional explanations.
False friends used in the press
Watch more videos about false friends at